Sunday, September 29, 2013

Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 review

This weekend I decided to go out to the theaters and give Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 a shot.  The first film got my attention with its constant humor and fun animation style. And with the voice of Mr. T as the uptight police officer Earl and Anna Faris as the bubbly and likeable news reporter Sam Sparks , what’s not to love. And while this film seems like it was more aimed as an all out children’s movie, it still has some laughs for me and was a fairly enjoyable ride.
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 starts off where the first film left off. In case you haven’t seen the first movie, here’s a quick recap. The original movie had Flynt Lockwood as the budding scientist whose inventions have brought shame upon him. Wanting to prove something to himself and his father, he invents a machine that can turn water atoms into food. Using this machine brings amazing press to his dreary and sad town of chewandswallow. But unfortunately the evil mayor puts too much pressure on him, which causes the machine to overload and instead create a giant food storm. The citizens of the town escape the storm and Flynt manages to stop the machine, but the town’s people flee the city never to return.
And this is where the 2nd movie picks up from. The president of a large company called Live Corp named Chester V has tasked Flynt and his gang from the first movie to go back to the island to retrieve the food making machine. Being his idol, he instantly agrees. But he is then warned that instead of just having food, the remnants of the city in the first movie are now inhabited by creatures that are half food and half animals. Many of the creatures are really well designed and appealing to people of all ages, from cheese spiders and dog like Strawberries, the food animals are varied and interesting to see and watch.  These food animals make for some appealing eye candy, and even steal the show away from the main characters sometimes.
On the flip side, you can see that this movie was mostly designed for a younger audience, with a lot less serious moments then the first and a more overall upbeat and happy story. There were times when I would roll my eyes from the jokes, and sometimes even the dialogue. In the first movie there was a good share of moments that were fairly intense and exciting, which this movie unfortunately doesn’t have.
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 is a fun movie to go see, but don’t expect anything to high. With its colorful visuals just making it work, its sometimes childlike jokes and dialogue make this a movie that  I would recommend that you should see this with a younger sibling, because if you go alone at a age older than 12-13, I don’t think you would get your money’s worth.

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