Sunday, December 8, 2013

What is the OUYA

This holiday season there are plenty of gifts to be given, and some of the most popular this year are the newly released video game consoles.  But there is one console that has gone under the radar this season, which for it being the number one backed projects on Kick starer (a website where users can donate to a game/console to make it a reality), is quite a weird thing. So how does this console stack up against the Xbox One and PS4? Keep reading to find out.
                This new console is called the OUYA. There premise is that it can offer a large variety of console/app games for a low price. This it does hold up as the console itself is fairly cheap, sitting at a modest $99, a whole 300-400 dollars less than the other competing consoles. But the price variation shows, with its limited library of games. Now this wouldn’t be that terrible if it weren’t for the games itself. Many of the games it offers are weak when compared to the games available elsewhere, with many of them being almost direct copies of games straight from the android or apple marketplace. These are however free, so you’re not paying directly for them.
                Many of the games that are not directly from the app store are actually games that the developers have made for the system, and some are games that were ported from the consoles. And although many of the original games look quite fun and entertaining, you have to ask is it $100 worth of entertainment. Many of the games on the console look to be quite not detailed and boring, and with the easy to access internet, I’m sure you could find many other FREE games that would entertain you much longer and without you paying a dime out of your pocket.
                Many might look at the OUYA and think that it would make a good gift for their child or for you to buy yourself this holiday season.  This might not be a horrible idea for a parent of a young child. Anybody older then this might want to stay away from this console. This especially applies to you if you have a smart phone in your possession, as I’m almost 100% sure that you can find better games for a much less price on your respective markets.
                The OUYA was an oddity, with it being the number one most backed/funded idea on Kick starter. This made the ball rolling for it to be a roaring success, filling the void between mobile and console gaming.  But what it did accomplish was a awkward spot in between that seems to turn off players of both side away. A good idea, but it shows that even great ideas can flop.

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