Sunday, April 13, 2014

Flappy bird

Apps are becoming the most popular video games available on the market today, with the ease of accessibility for anyone with a Smartphone, to their much less then retail costs. But one app has risen from its competitors to become the next smash hit.  This app is known as Flappy bird and it has become an over the night sensation with it gaining hundreds of thousands of downloads and reviews.
Flappy bird is a simple game with a simple concept. You control a bird in its journey to flap its way to victory by going through many pipes. Unfortunately for him, it seems that he can never reach his destination, with no end in sight. Every time you tap on him, he jumps upward abruptly, and you have to guide him through until you inevitably hit an obstacle and fall to the ground. Your score is recorded and then you start again. And again. And again.  Somehow this simple concept has captivated millions of people including me with is simplistic yet addicting game play. Normally I would talk about its story or great cast of characters, but this is the entire game, just you vs. all of your friends to see who can get through the most pipes.
Now you wouldn’t think that a game this simple would gain so much popularity in such a short time. Well you like many other people would be wrong. While I did say that the game was addicting I did not say it was fun, because honestly I don’t find it that enjoyable. There are 2 types of people when it comes to flappy bird, those who excel at the game, and those who don’t. If you can get the right rhythm you can get through upwards of 100 pipes without even breaking a sweat.  But as soon as you learn the pattern, the game becomes repetitive, with you finishing each game with an incredibly low score below 10, or finishing where you almost always finish. Sure you may be able to get one or two higher than before but does it really matter? Then there are the people who are never able to get that rhythm down and always seem to never make it past 20. If you fall into this category, there’s a high chance that you have lobbed your phone across the room in anger after losing.  But fear not, you’re not alone in this craze. There have been multiple videos of people throwing, breaking, or even smashing their phones with a hammer because of this game.
But like every good story, the flappy bird tale has come to a bitter end. With the creator of the game recieivng many death threats and horrible things written to him, he decided to stay away from the drama and close the game. As of now you can no longer get flappy birds, and you can only play it if u have already downloaded it.

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