Thursday, October 17, 2013


Tis the season for a multitude of games and new gaming consoles. But this season is a special one with the introduction of the next generation of gaming consoles. The consoles in question, The PS4 and the Xbox 1, have been highly anticipated and both boast their own type on special qualities and advantages over there competitor. I will be explaining both, and I hope this will allow you to pick a side.

            The PS4 is the next console that will be released by Sony. Following the trend of sticking an ever growing number after the words PS (which stand for Play Station), this new console will be the 4th in its line. Its predecessor, the PS3, was met with very high praise for its free online capabilities and overall superb graphic capabilities. The PS4 follows suit with this trend, boasting some of the best graphical capabilities in the market today, only being outclassed by computers which can cost 5-10 times as much. Not only making gains in the visual department, the company boast a personal experience with the console as well, with the PS4 tracking both the controller in a gamer's hand, as well as their face. They also want you to experience the full effect of the console without having to pay for it, and they offer almost all of their online services (Netflix, online gameplay, and to play free to play games) for free with no extra charge to the user. This feature has been consistent with the PlayStation line, and will not change for this one. The PS4 will also be able to play any used game from any outside source, be it your friends or a game you bought for a lower price at a retail location such as GameStop or Video Games Etc. The console will be shipping out in November this year and will be priced modestly at $399.

            In the other corner lies the Xbox 1, which was made and designed by Microsoft. Like the PS4, the Xbox 1 follows its predecessors footsteps in name, albeit ditching the 360 idea and dumbing it down to just 1. The Xbox 360 was the most popular/recognizable console on the market, with its early access to games and DLC, to its iconic controller and white sphere X marked logo. But how does the new Xbox compare with the PS4? One of the main differences is price. Unlike its completion, the Xbox 1 will be priced at $499, $100 more than its competition. This difference may not seem like a huge leap, but to its target audience, high school/college students, $100 is a pretty big increase on something that’s not a necessity. The Xbox 1 also had some extremely hard backlash from the gaming community, once mandating a 24-hour online check in and restrictions on used games. These statements became so controversial, that Microsoft had to quickly resolve and changed the system to be compatible with used and games and got rid of the check in. Graphic wise, the Xbox 1 matches the PS4 in strength and capacity, and includes a huge 500GB memory just to begin with, swamping the PS4’s measly 8GB space. It also includes a build in blue ray player, the first of its kind in the Xbox line.

            After reading the facts about each console, I hope that you can decided which of them you will be asking for Santa this year.


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