Sunday, October 20, 2013

T.V vs The Internet

The internet has slowly over the last 10 years become one of the most widely used and the most influential invention of the late 20th and early 21th century. With its coming, it has replaced/ made easier so many things we once used day to day. But is the Internet going to replace television?  Here are the facts and you make the decision.
                The internet has streamlined many things that once took quite a long time to do, and you would think that by now it would have replaced T.V. I mean not only is the internet faster, it can also stream videos in seconds, and instead of waiting 3 days for that episode of The walking dead that you missed, you can just go onto the site and watch it then. Another reason you may have watched the T.V in the past is for coverage on the big game, but now you can watch the game right on your computer. And unlike the television, where you need a console to play games, as soon as you buy a computer and hook it up to the internet, your set for all your gaming related needs.
                And now here is what the television has going for it. T.V has been around for 60 years and has had 60 years to tweak and perfect it. It has certainly come a very long way from the tiny boxes from our past. As I mentioned before, although the internet has ease of accessibility, not everyone has it. More people in the world have accesses to a television then the internet, because all you need is power, no need for a router or modem. And while you can watch episodes of shows on the internet, the show always debuts on television first. Piracy is a big crime on the internet, and is almost always not worth the risk when you can just watch your shows right on the T.V.
Well I hope after hearing the facts on T.V and the Internet you can make the decision of which is better than the other.

1 comment:

  1. After reading your blog I agree with what you have said. There is a lot more use for the internet than there is for the T.V. Why use a T.V when you can get all the qualities of T.V plus more on a computer. I definitely feel that T.Vs will soon become obsolete and everything will be run from a computer or tablet of some sort.
